Relationship, ONENESS & Unity

As you may be aware, our "3D" experience is mostly about Relationships. We have relationship to a partner, parents, siblings, friends, co-workers, employees, employers, the butcher, baker and candlestick maker! You get the picture. Has it ever crossed your mind that those relationships are what create the experience of duality…


What is Weighing on Your Heart?

As the energies shift dramatically on planet Earth, it still all comes down to you and your perception of what is unfolding out in "the movie, the play, the drama" in this spectacular experiment on this blue jewel. Are you observing life from your head or your heart? What is…


The Shift IS Happening NOW!

Hello Dear Ones, We are in the apex of a massive shift towards the Light on this planet. It is extremely exciting! You chose to be here at this most auspicious time in the evolution of the planet and humanity as a whole. This shift is a galactic shift that…


It Shall Come to You

At the time of this transmission the world is in a state of considerable upheaval. It can be a serious juggling act just to stay grounded, behind your rose and in a place of calm. We strongly suggest that you avoid all of the social and mass media, in whatever…

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It’s An Inside Job!!

This is a huge topic. I could probably write a book about this, but I want you to benefit from this information NOW. You ARE a non-physical Soul/Spirit. The majority of "you" is still in the non-physical realms. A very small, tiny in fact, portion of "you" has come into…

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Greetings Divine One!

You ARE divine! All of the "others" you encounter in your day are also, divine. They are you and you are they. Please take the time to consider the depth of this. We ARE all ONE. We are having individual experiences, but we are ONE. I know it sounds cliche,…

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Attention on Your INTENTION

Greetings Dear Ones, I come to you this day to offer guidance and direction. You are most powerful beings. Especially at the time of this shift. We encourage you to make a point of focusing your attention on your Intention. What that means is that if you invest your attention…

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Don’t Feel Like You Fit Anywhere?

Chances are, if you are reading this post, you don't feel like you fit in anywhere. But, that is only true if you are looking at your life experience from the familiar 3D perspective. You are absolutely here by design & most importantly by your Soul's CHOICE!! All you need…

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Creating a Platform from Which to Experience

As we become more aware of how easily the external "noise" of life can so easily shift our attention, I have found this tool a most effective solution. This simple tool can be used by anyone at anytime in anyplace. We start by imaging the simple yet powerful geometry of…

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Go Within or Go Without

What a profound ancient declaration of truth! "Go within or go without." A more western way of looking at the same concept would result in a question. "Do you think for yourself?" Though thinking may not be the most accurate word, it has a similar meaning. Thinking for yourself brings…

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