Creator, Are You Creating OR Reacting?

If only someone had told you when you were young that you truly can create your own reality, the world would be a very different place, don't you think? What we desire to draw into your awareness is that though the big house, fancy car and lover of your dreams…

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Clearing for Clarity

We all have the best of intentions, yet still we find ourselves taking on others "energetic stuff" throughout our day. After all EVERYTHING IS ENERGY! We are bathed in it 24-7. An extremely effective, and oh so simple clearing method is to become aware of your crown chakra, located at…

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The Hindrance of Habits

The making and keeping of so called "good" habits has been touted for ever. Habits though, inevitably hook us to the "past". "Good" and "past" are very much linked to the 3rd Dimension. So as we move into living in the Well Being of the "Now Moment" in 5D, it…

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The Rise of Feminine Energy

As we approach the summer Solstice of June 2021 there is great upheaval in the atmosphere. I am particularly noticing it in relationships. People who have been happily married for decades are all of a sudden dealing with long-ago buried little and big issues. It is abundantly evident that we…

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All Is Well All The Time

All is Well All the Time. If we only grasped how profound that statement is for us. If we open ourselves to the unseen world that Prime Creator has arranged for us to experience we would all live a more expanded version of ourselves and with a deeply grateful heart.…

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When The Shoe Is On The Other Foot

Say you are involved in playing a game and your little “man-shaped token” has enormous built-in capacity to live a most amazing, abundant, healthy, wealthy, wise life, but he does not know, is not aware of what his capacity is to control and create his BEST LIFE EVER!? The “game”…

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Duelling Duality No More

Abraham, a group of non-physical entities, channeled through Esther Hicks has often referred to "contrast" as being of great benefit to humans as a launch pad to recognizing what one does want to experience as opposed to what one does not want. That may be true for people functioning in…

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You are FAR MORE than you think you are!

If we had been made aware of Who We Really Are and what we really are capable of from a young age, this world would be a very different place to live and love! I dare say most of us at best, have been taught that we are merely little…

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A New Era

As of December 21st 2020 we have stepped over the cusp into a completely new era. We are in the unsettling beginnings of a spiritual upswing. A time of greater well-being for all! The major shifts that are unfolding may seem scary and disruptive, but in order to move forward…

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Grounding, No Matter Your Age

I sat listening to a wonderful woman, who's entire life's purpose, seems geared towards being a bright and respectful light to little children. She had been going through a difficulty regarding another staff member at the After-School Care facility that she works in. I listened, allowing her to rehash the…

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