Chances are, if you are reading this post, you don’t feel like you fit in anywhere. But, that is only true if you are looking at your life experience from the familiar 3D perspective. You are absolutely here by design & most importantly by your Soul’s CHOICE!! All you need to do is pan back a few thousand miles and take a look from Prime Creators view point. You chose to be here on this planet at this amazing time of huge transformation. If you quiet your mind and go deeply within…like imagine you are a tiny little version of yourself floating in a boat in your blood stream. See the intricacy of your physicalness and know that the greater part of you is non-physical and is even more amazing than you can begin to comprehend at this time. You are vast, expansive, multi-dimensional, you are a miracle in the flesh. You are so much in the right place at the exact right time!! Believe in you! Life’s validation and permission can truly only come from one place….and that is from within yourself, your heart knows the true truth…
In the mean time in between time, use the stones that life throws at you to lay the foundations for your amazing, mind-bending future! Big Hugs Dear One!! You so have this one!!