Relationship, ONENESS & Unity

As you may be aware, our “3D” experience is mostly about Relationships. We have relationship to a partner, parents, siblings, friends, co-workers, employees, employers, the butcher, baker and candlestick maker! You get the picture.

Has it ever crossed your mind that those relationships are what create the experience of duality in our daily lives? We always seem to be in “relation” to something or someone else. This in and of itself creates a sense of “Separateness”. Which is great for creating a wide variety of experiences, though it is at the root of our division and angst as humans living on one planet, yet acting as though our perspective, needs wants and desires are the only ones that matter!

So I am sure you have heard the word “Unity” bantered around in social circles as the path to harmony on this planet. Yet Unity to us implies a group of individuals coming together. Yet that still does not lead us to the ultimate of Acceptance, Respect and Appreciation, which IS LOVE in action. This is true simply because as long as there is an “other” their is division, separation and competition for resources.

From our perspective, the 5D that is ultimately being pursued equates to “Oneness” which translates to EQUALITY. Thus, until humanity realizes that they ARE already ONE, divine CREATOR GOD, having a fractal experience of Itself, external pursuits will prove unfruitful.

By the way, Equality does NOT mean sameness! We mean Equal in value, Diversity in expression!

As we take the opportunity to observe, interact and learn from our star brothers and sisters, we will become very aware that they live from a place of Oneness which humanity has barely become aware of.

As we shift our perspective from individuality leaning towards unity, into a Oneness model/mindset it will easily facilitate Acceptance, Respect and Appreciation for the opportunity to interact with fractals of The One Self which we are.

This also assists us in releasing much of the “us against them” when it comes to opportunities, money, food, vehicles, vacations, houses, intimate relationships and all the other stuff that we use to judge ourselves against “the other”. Competition is gone. Care, compassion and co-creation become the norm.

Once we are truly conscious of the divine Oneness, that WE ARE divine Oneness that everything IS provided for ALL of the fractals of The One Self, we are free to allow Self, to give permission to Self to relax, enjoy life, laugh, explore our hearts desires and gifts rather than functioning from a place of fear, self-doubt, condemnation and comparing to the perceived “other”. THERE IS NO OTHER!!!

We ARE The divine ONE Self having a fleeting physical human experience.

Waiting for all the other “players” in this human game to get on board could take some time (which is another illusion). Yet we urge you, divine fractal, to consider this transmission. Check in with the heart of the true essence that you are. Feel if this resonates with you, ponder the Freedom that will unfold in your fractal of experience.

Open the heart to the expansion of a new perspective, to see the essence of Oneness, the One Divine Stream we droplets are an aspect of.

Much love and light to The One that you are.

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