As the energies shift dramatically on planet Earth, it still all comes down to you and your perception of what is unfolding out in “the movie, the play, the drama” in this spectacular experiment on this blue jewel.
Are you observing life from your head or your heart? What is weighing on your heart?
Be still and know you are God! A divine, holographic, fractal of God. Playing in a very unique and timely experience in the galaxy.
Once you begin to realize that YOU, dear one, are the one, that has total management over your perception of the game,everything changes. Knowing that you already have permission to enjoy your life, you may now choose to script the game you desire to play.
Just because others of Self are creating fear, drama and disgust doesn’t mean you need to bow down and give your attention to such things.
YOU are a powerful creator too! Why default to living and reacting to what someone else has chosen to create to further their control, domination, & fear power-play in this vast expanse of life on Earth.
Living in a bubble of your construction is totally within your grasp. Not a physical bubble, an energetic bubble of love, light, happy, smiles and grins. Where your attention goes energy flows!! There is beauty everywhere, if chosen.
Sometimes just coming to a feeling place of “neutral” will be enough of a pause to allow your heart an opportunity to rest, to choose.
Observe, step back, pause, take a deep breath and refocus. Give your heart an opportunity to step forward with how you choose to respond… or not respond at all. Somethings are easily walked away from without giving any of your vital life force energy to fueling someone else’s drama, be it your best friend, a relative, an employer, a co-worker or a stranger that has crossed your life path.
Please remember that there is a lesson to be had in every encounter, simply allow it to unfold and use it as a spring board to elevate your awareness and joy even further.
YOU are amazing! YOU have ALL it takes to live the life of your heart’s desire. You have simply been distracted from that. The distraction has been apart of the overall design for millennia to foster human evolution and the evolution of the infinite creation.
Energetically lean into the disruptions in life. From a detached perspective, mentally pick it up, look at it from every side, up down, right, left. Asking your self , “Is there something here for me to learn from, is there an opportunity to become blatantly aware of what I do not want? Or is this only a distraction designed to consume my energy?”
Allow the answers to flow to you. Do your best not to judge the answer that flows to you. Often we need time & space to allow the essence of divine brilliance to penetrate our jaded mind or heart.
We cherish the opportunity to observe & assist you and all humanity as you grow and expand in experience while playing in this physical realm.
Sending you Love, Light and Laughter Dear Ones.